Minggu, 29 November 2009

Tips Meningkatkan Traffic Blog Anda

Tips Meningkatkan Traffic Blog Anda
By: Bambosi.Com

Langkah awal yang harus anda penuhi sebelum menuju kesuksesanTraffic Blog dalam bisnis online adalah mencari traffic / pengunjung. Tujuan kita melakukan optimasi, mengeluarkan uang untuk biaya iklan dan berusaha mengupdate konten seoriginal mungkin adalah mengharapkan traffic untuk blog kita. Seberapa pentingkah Traffic bagi blog? Bagi saya sangat penting dan mencari traffic adalah langkah sebelum memulai bisnis online.

Setelah menyelesaikan konsep bisnis online sesempurna mungkin, ada baiknya anda memulai langkah selanjutnya yaitu kembali membuat konsep untuk mendatangkan traffic bagi blog anda. Dan disinilah sebuah proses yang sangat melelahkan dan apabila berhasil melewatinya maka sudah dapat dipastikan 50% bisnis online anda akan berhasil.

Lalu apa saja yang harus kita lakukan untuk mendapatkan traffic tersebut? Entah Targeted Traffic maupun Bulk Traffic. Dalam artikel ini saya coba membagikan beberapa tips meningkatkan traffic blog anda sekaligus membantu proses self branding.

Berikut ini adalah tips meningkatkan traffic anda secara gratis:

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Sudah sangat banyak penjelasan dan artikel yang membahas tentang Search Engine Optimization, dan tujuan dari SEO adalah untuk mendapatkan Targeted Traffic.

2. Memberikan Sesuatu Secara Gratis
Untuk poin nomor 2 ini membutuhkan proses, karena anda diharuskan menciptakan sesuatu untuk diberikan secara gratis. Contohnya, E-Book gratis, Template Gratis, Wordpress Theme Gratis dan masih banyak lagi.

3. Forum Signature
Forum signature adalah beberapa kata atau kalimat yang terletak di bagian bawah dari hasil postingan anda pada forum. Cobalah untuk aktif di forum sehingga anda mendapatkan reputasi yang baik, sehingga segala atribut yang menempel pada nickname anda akan dilihat termasuk Forum Signature anda.

4. Blogwalking
Blogwalking adalah membuat komentar pada sebuah artikel di blog lain. Ada beberapa tujuan para blogger melakukan Blogwalking diantaranya mencari teman, mengomentari artikel, mencari backlink dan juga mengharapkan kunjungan balik, dan dari kunjungan balik inilah anda mendapatkan traffic.

5. Membuat Artikel yang Mengundang Kontroversi
Cobalah untuk membuat sebuah artikel yang mengundang kontroversi dan sedang mengikuti trend saat ini dan sebarkan tulisan anda melalui blogwalking, forum ataupun social bookmarking.

6. Aktif di Yahoo Answer
Yahoo Answer merupakan layanan tanya jawab yang diberikan oleh Yahoo! secara gratis. Anda dapat memanfaatkan layanan ini untuk meningkatkan traffic blog anda dengan cara aktif menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan dan menyertakan link blog anda.

7. Banner dan Link Exchange
Ini berarti anda menukar link atau banner anda dengan blog lain dengan syarat anda harus menampilkan link atau banner blog lain di blog anda.

8. Membuat Profil di Amazon
Tujuannya bukan untuk bisnis online di Amazon, melainkan anda aktif mereview segala product yang ada di amazon, setiap review akan mendapat perhatian dari para pengunjung web yang melihat product tersebut.

9. Membuat Unique Video
Cobalah untuk membuat video lucu dan unik yang dapat menarik ribuan viewer. Sertakan url blog anda pada awal dan akhir video tersebut.

10. Mintalah Blog anda di Review
Bergabunglah pada forum-forum Web Development seperti Digitalpoint, Sitepoint, V7N dan lain sebagainya. Masuklah ke kategori Web Review dan mintalah blog anda direview.

Sebenarnya ada banyak Tips Meningkatkan Traffic Blog, namun kali ini saya hanya membagikan 10 saja dan cobalah untuk aktif mengimplementasikan 10 Tips tersebut.

Beberapa web yang dapat membantu anda.

Submit E-Book Gratis
1. www.ebook2u.com
2. www.scribd.com
3. www.wisdomebooks.com
4. www.getfreeebooks.com
5. www.published.com

Q&A Website
1. qna.live.com
2. askville.amazon.com
3. www.answerbag.com
4. www.yedda.com

Banner & Link Exchange
1. www.build-reciprocal-links.com
2. www.free-link-exchange.biz
3. www.rankpromoters.com

Sumber : http://www.bambosi.com

Sabtu, 28 November 2009

insurance in some countries

Auto Insurance is something, which is very important if you buy several automatic vehicle and want to protect from accidents in the future. Now people do not need to visit an insurance company to purchase this insurance, he can only buy the same with the help of Online Insurance site.
One can buy Auto Insurance from nearly all types of financial institutions, but the best is to visit famous places. Both companies offer good insurance quote, rates, so it's better to buy from them the same. The price of insurance depends on the insurance company. Insurance is not the same for all vehicles, depending on vehicle type, year, etc.
If you find a good solution to the insurance the best thing is to look around. Thus, you can find a good insurance company that offers good insurance solutions. Buying Auto Insurance is not complicated, but we need to conduct studies and research about the same.

Research should be done about the company, insurance, etc. and the price of the same level can be done by discussing with the insurance, read books and literature, or using the Internet. This insurance will pay for your car and minor health medicine, incase you have been involved in a bad car accident. We should always buy Auto Insurance, and must also do some shopping for Health Insurance.

if you come to the developed world, there's insurance becomes an obligation, if you want to know more about insurance in some countries you can visit this website http://www.localinsuresearch.com in this website explain how much insurance systems in developed countries and also some tips on choosing insurance. please try.

Kamis, 26 November 2009

Belajar Menghasilkan Duit Melalui PTC

 Di sini ane akan menjelaskan tentang PTC sekalian mengajak rekan-rekan untuk mencoba mencari duit melalui ptc ini.Semoga informasi di bawah ini berguna untuk kita semua….

PTC? Apaan tuh?

PTC itu kepanjangan dari Paid to Click. Sesuai dengan judulnya, kita akan dibayar jika nge-klik pada website ptc ini.

Klik apa ya?
Iklan yang di host di website yang bersangkutan.

Apa aja yang kita butuhin?
Komputer + koneksi internet + waktu dikit.

Ooo… Tapi kok butuh waktunya dikit?
Soalnya, iklan yang kita klik itu cukup dibuka sampai waktu timernya abis.
Rata2 sih 20-30 detik. Jadi, selagi kita ngeklik dan nunggu 20-30 detik, kita bisa sambil kerja, chatting, ato sambil donlot. Jadi kita tetap bisa nerusin kerjaan.

Dapet duitnya berapa ya?

biasanya sih website2 PTC ngasih iklan 5-20 per hari. Dan jumlah duit yang dikasih berkisar antara 0.005 - 0.02 USD, jadi sekitar 50-200 rupiah. rata2 sih ngasih 0.01 alias 100 rupiah.

Siapa yang bayar kita?
Pihak yang pasang iklan. Kalo ngak ya dari sponsor.
Tapi kok bayarannya dikit ya? 100 perak permen juga ngak dapet…
Kalo usaha sendiri dapetnya emang dikit. Itungan kasarnya gini nih:
1 hari ada 10 iklan, per iklan yang di klik dapet 0.01 dan kurs dolar Rp 9.000 jadinya,
$0.01 x 10 = $0.1 x Rp 9.000 = Rp 900 per hari;
$0.1 x 30 = $3.0 x Rp 9.000 = Rp 27.000 per bulan;
$3.0 x 12 = $36 x Rp 9.000 = Rp 324.000 per tahun.
Kalo kita daftar 10 PTC sehari bisa dapet Rp 9.000, sebulan Rp 270.000,
setahun Rp 3.240.000.
Jadi sehari bisa dapet duit tambahan Rp 9.000 ya? itu bisa langsung diambil?
Nah, seperti yang udah saya bilang, itu cuma itungan kasarnya saja.
Tiap website PTC mempunyai minimum payout yang berbeda-beda. Minimum payout PTC tuh berkisar antara $1-$10. Jadi, kalo udah kekumpul $1-$10 baru bisa diambil.

Ow… gue udah mulai ngerti. Tapi… kok rasanya meskipun udah gabung di 10 PTC masih kecil ya bayarannya… gimana nih?
Yaelah elu, udah kaga pake modal masih juga protes… Hehehe…
Tapi emang bener sih, masi kedikitan. Makanya ada 2 cara buat ningkatin pendapatan PTC kita.
yang pertama, jadi premium member tapi yang ini bayar, berkisar antara $20-$90 per tahun.
efeknya bayaran per klik akan nambah. Misalnya waktu jadi member biasa per klik $0.01 dan iklan yang tersedia 10 iklan perhari. kalo premium per klik bisa jadi $0.015 dan iklan yang tersedia bisa jadi 2x lipat. kalo diitung sehari dapet $0.3, sebulan $9, setahun $108.
Tapi kan ini bayar, kita pake cara kedua aja yaitu cari referral.

Referral apaan tuh?

Maksudnya orang yang daftar di PTC tsb dengan referensi kita. Dengan kata lain downline gitu deh..

Gimana caranya referral nambah duit kita?
Beberapa website ngasih bonus komisi setiap ada yang daftar pakai referensi dari kita.
Trus lagi setiap klik yang dilakukan referral kita, kita juga dapet duit. tergantung dari PTCnya.
ada yang ngasih $0.01 (sesuai dengan bayaran yang kita dapet waktu klik) ato cuma setengahnya.
Kalo ada 1 referensi dari kita, trus bayarannya $0.01 juga, berarti pendapatan kita bakal jadi 2x lipat kalau kita sendiri dapet $0.01. Kalo ada 10 orang referensi ya berarti pendapatan kita bakalan dikali 10. Mak Nyuss…
Earnings Example
» Jika click 10 iklan per hari = $0.10
» 20 referrals click 10 iklan per hari = $2.00
» Penghasilan per hari = $2.10
» Penghasilan per minggu = $14.70
» Penghasilan per bulan = $63.00
» Penghasilan per tahun = $756.00

Itu aj baru 20 refferal gimana kalo ratusan refferal???

Wah, jadi harus nyari downline biar gabung sama kita dong? Jadi males… Kayak MLM aja…
ya elah Elu,gini males gitu males..Usaha kaga mau pengen dapet duit,mimpi kali ye…
Tapi Tenang aja cuy, masih ada cara lainnya, beli aja referral…

Hah? dibeli? Gimana caranya?

Semua PTC tuh nyediain referral buat dibeli, biasanya sih udah paketan, belinya per 5,10,15,…,100 referral. harganya juga bervariasi. tergantung jumlah yang dibeli.
Nah, refferal itu kita dapet dari orang2 yang daftar tapi ngak ada referensinya. jadi sama web PTCnya mereka2 itu dijadiin downline kita.

Oke deh kalo gitu. Kita dapet bayarannya gimana ya?
Biasanya sih pake


Jadi Alertpay dan paypal ini berfungsi sebagai rekening sementara kita, yg bisa mentransfer duit ato juga membeli sesuatu di internet,,, ngerti kan???

Cara duitnya nyampe gmn ya?
Setelah kita memiliki balance ato saldo di rekening paypal ato alertpay tersebut, kita bisa mentransfer saldo kita ke rekening bank yg ada di Indonesia. Trus tinggal ambil deh duitnya di bank..

Pembayaran dari PTCnya sendiri cepet gak?
Itu tergantung PTCnya. ada yang cuma 5 menit tapi ada juga yang sampe 2 bulan.
makanya cari info juga di web, pinter2 milih aja.

Pertama – tama kita memulai ptc ini memang aga sedikit susah, karena kita hanya mengklik iklan doank… *Saran gw, klo klian uda punya saldo untuk diambil di ptc itu,, sebaiknya anda jgn mentransfer k paypal ato alertpay dolo,, mendingan kalian investasiin dgn membeli referral yg ada di ptc itu(klo gw sih ngutamain beli referral di neobux, jadi di ptc yg laen gw gak beliin referral, tapi di neobux gw borong referral yg banyak)gitu…. Ngerti kan???
Kalo soal websitenya sih gw ada…. (*saran gw jangan terlalu banyak mengikuti website” ptc yg ada, karena selain akan membuat kita bingung ngeklik,, Juga ada terdapat beberapa website yg melakukan penipuan ato scam. Dan untuk mengetahui website itu aman ato tidak, kita bisa mencari informasi dari thread" ptc yg ad di kaskus kta yg tercinta ini....

Kalo yg ini “insyaallah” aman….

segitu aj deh yg bisa saya sampaikan...
semoga saja barmanfaat bagi rekan sekalian...

Sumber ( http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=2784886 )

Rabu, 25 November 2009

Adsense for Domain, untuk domain gratisan

coba perhatikan report dibawah ini :

ini adalah gambar report adsense for domain, sebagai mana kita liat bersama, adsense for domain (AFD) tidak mengandalkan klik, tapi jumlah impression, atau banyaknya kunjungan pada afd yg kita miliki. Jika telah ada orang yg sukses di bidang ini, maka itu pertanda bahwa kita juka bisa ikutan mencari recehan dari sini.

syarat utama memiliki afd adalah punya domain. dan bagaimanapun murahnya sebuah domain name, tetep saja kebanyakan yg dicari para nubi seperti saya pasti yang gratisan.

disini hanya pengen sharing, cara membuat adsense for domain (AFD) menggunakan domain gratis co.cc dan pastikan anda telah diterima sebagai publisher google adsense

langkah pertama

sebelumnya daftar dulu di co.cc dan miliki sebuah, atau dua buah, atau tiga buah, atau terserah banyaknya, domain yang akan didaftarkan sebagai domain adsense for doman. penjelasan mengenai cara dapat domain di co.cc saya rasa sudah banyak bertebaran di berbagai blog/web, ingat di langkah pertama, hanya daftar nama domain saja. jangan di setting dulu.

lalu buka akun google adsense anda, kemudian masuk di adsense set up / konfigurasi adsense, disini anda akan melihat 4 buah pilihan konfigurasi adsense; kontent, pencarian, feed, dan adsense for domain.
silahkan pilih adsense for domain

langkah selanjutnya

setelah masuk di adsense for domain, masukkan domain yang akan di daftarkan, jika memiliki lebih dari satu setiap nama domain dipisahkan tanda koma (,) atau boleh di enter saja satu baris satu domain. ingat domain yang di daftarkan hanya boleh sampai 100 domain.

pada kolom bahasa, pilih saja English

langkah selanjutnya

untuk memunculkan iklan afd pada domain anda, maka harus merubah sedikit setting pada domain registri yg kita miliki.
untuk itu, ingat atau copy paste dulu code dan/atau nomer2 diatas. nomer ini nantinya akan di dinakan pada set up domain di co.cc

host; nama domain anda Record Type; A Value Destination;,
host; nama domain anda Record Type; A Value Destination;,
host; nama domain anda Record Type; A Value Destination;,
host; nama domain anda Record Type; A Value Destination;,

host; nama domain anda (pake www.) Record Type; CNAME (alia) Value Destination; masukkan nomer publisher lengkap seperti gambar diaats. atau xxxxxxxx diganti

langkah selanjutnya

masuk kembali ke akun co.cc anda, kemudian pilih domain setting, pilih domain yang akan di daftarkan sebelumnya
di adsense for domain, kemudian klik set up pada kolom servive type.

langkah selanjutnya

elanjutnya akan tampak seperti diatas, lanjut aja, klik set up.

langkah selanjutnya

setelah itu anda akan melihat tampilan yang seperti ini; ada 3 pilihan setting (name server, zone records, url forwarding) silahkan masuk di ZONE RECORDS. (name server & url forwarding gk usah di utak atik)
masuk edit/add zone records (A,MX,NS,CNAME)

Disini anda akan melihat form (Host, TTL, Type, dan Value)
masukkan masing2 seperti yg sudag di jelaskan di lagkaah ke tiga;

Host; namadomain.co.cc
TTL ; 1D
Type; A

Host; namadomain.co.cc
TTL ; 1D
Type; A

Host; namadomain.co.cc
TTL ; 1D
Type; A

Host; namadomain.co.cc
TTL ; 1D
Type; A

Host; www.namadomain.co.cc
TTL ; 1D
Value; (masukkan publisher google adsense disini)

langkah selanjutnya

Setelah mengisi semua form di langkah sebelumnya, tampilanx akan seperti ini. dan ini adalah akhir dari setting. silahkan menunggu beberapa saat untuk melihat efekx


Sumber : http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=2817974

Selasa, 24 November 2009

Three money saving

Three Money Saving Tips That Will Improve Your Financial Situation In Just One Week.

Learn how to save from $20 to $350 in a week.
There are people, who are born with a talent for saving money. They are very rational about spending their money and almost never make impulsive decisions to buy something that they do not really need. I honestly envy these people. I was born with a different talent, or rather a curse – I am good at spending money.
Since I was little as soon as I got some cash I would always know what I wanted to spend it on. And even if I put some pocket money aside, it would be for the sole purpose of buying something later that I could not afford at that moment.
However, the older I got the more I realized the importance of learning the art of saving and handling money. I was really eager to become less prodigal, but the usual approach “Save on Everything!” did not really work for me. If anything, most of the money saving tips that were out there, while making a lot of sense, would put me in a mild state of depression. Using less shampoo, when washing hair, turning down the thermostat and putting on an extra sweater when I am cold, wearing clothes more than once before washing them, buying only discounted products – all these tips made me feel the lack of money even stronger. And, honestly, by saving a few cents here and there my financial situation did not improve much.
By trying hundreds of different tips I found three that really worked and helped me to get my finances in order. If you are a natural “spender” like me and you are tired of feeling frustrated and guilty, because you are not saving enough money and that your credit card debt is growing every year, use these tips! They will help you to improve your finances in just one week and to become more frugal without having to drastically change your lifestyle.
Forget about “I can’t afford it!” set of mind!
Often when we try to cut back on our expenditures the first thing we tell ourselves is “I can’t afford it!” which basically means “I really want it, but I can’t have it.” This way of thinking creates inner conflict between desire to spend money and common sense that tells you that you should not do so. These conflicting emotions provoke tension, frustration and feeling of guilt.
Forcing yourself not to spend money is just like being on a cabbage soup diet. Sure, you can do it for a week and even a month, but one day you are just going to snap and eat as many hot fudge brownies and French fries as you humanly can. The same behavior is triggered if you keep telling yourself that you can not afford something. Believe me, as soon as you get the chance you will spend most of your savings on something really great, but really useless just to satisfy your hunger for spending money.
Therefore, whenever you have an impulse to buy the next cool thing you see, do not tell yourself that you can afford it. Instead, ask yourself if you truly need it. In reality there are only a few things in our life that we can not live without. I am sure a 48’ flat screen TV or the 25th pair of shoes is not on that list. ?
Many self-development programs teach us that in order to have money we need to think like millionaires. This is why the first step to prosperity and debt-free living is in switching your mindset from “I can’t afford it!” to “I don’t need it!”. Can you see the difference? In the first case you concentrate on lack, in the second case – on abundance. This small shift of mindset results in huge changes in your financial situation.
Go cash-only for a week!
A telephone survey from the nationwide Pew Research Center has shown that older people are much more likely than the rest of the adult population to save and invest enough money. Sure, these results may be easily explained by the fact that older people (65 years old and above) are much wiser, rational and more experienced when managing their budget, but that is not the only reason. I believe that older people tend to spend less, just because they are more accustomed to using cash rather than credit cards.
Why would using cash cut our spending? Because when we have to pay with actual money rather than blindly swiping our credit card, we instantly become more conscious about how much we are spending. If you do not believe me, next time try to pay for something that costs over $300 with cash. You will notice that giving away each banknote causes a tiny twinge of pain. This is a good kind of pain. Pain we can use to our advantage.
How does a cash-only week work?
There are only three easy steps.
First of all, make a quick estimation of how much money you expect to spend during the week. I would suggest that you add an extra 10% to your estimated amount, because we often tend to be overly optimistic when it comes to planning our budget.
Second, go to the bank or ATM machine and withdraw this amount of money.
Third, take all the credit and debit cards out of your wallet/purse and hide them somewhere in your desk, to avoid the temptation to use them. That is it! The only condition of a cash-only week is that you have to stay within your budget. No exceptions! You have a limited amount of money. You can not have more. You need to live off it for a week. If by the end of the week you realize that you have very little money left, it probably means that you will have to cut back on entertainment or eating out.
Find out where your money goes!
It is almost impossible to save money if you do not know three ‘magical” numbers. The first number is how much money you have coming in every week. Most of us can quickly do the math and divide our salary by 4. The second number is the amount of money that you have going out every week. This is already more challenging $2 for a pack of gum here… $1,5 for a beverage there… we do not even notice how these little payments add up and turn into big bucks over the course of a week. Finally, the third number that you absolutely must know is your debit minus your credit or the first number (money you get) minus the second number (money you spend) per week. Once you have a clear picture of your incoming money and outgoing money, you will be able to identify areas where you can save.
You can use a personal-finance system like Mint or Quicken, and manually enter your transactions. Or you can carry a little notepad where you write down all of your transactions, just make sure that you do it on a daily basis, because after a while it gets very difficult to keep all the numbers in your head. Do this for a week and afterwards analyze what you are overspending on and what small and easy adjustments you can make to lower your expenditures.
If you apply these three tips without doing anything else, you will begin to notice a few extra hundred dollars on your checking account by the end of the week. Just get into the habit of putting that amount of money into your savings account and promise yourself not to touch it for at least a year. I can not explain you how great it feels to see your savings account rapidly growing with very little effort on your part, so I will just let you discover it on your own. ?
piggy bank1 300x218 Three Money Saving Tips That Will Improve Your Financial Situation In Just One Week.Learn how to save from $20 to $350 in a week!

There are people, who are born with a talent for saving money. They are very rational about spending their money and almost never make impulsive decisions to buy something that they do not really need. I honestly envy these people. I was born with a different talent, or rather a curse – I am good at spending money.

Since I was little as soon as I got some cash I would always know what I wanted to spend it on. And even if I put some pocket money aside, it would be for the sole purpose of buying something later that I could not afford at that moment.

However, the older I got the more I realized the importance of learning the art of saving and handling money. I was really eager to become less prodigal, but the usual approach “Save on Everything!” did not really work for me.

If anything, most of the money saving tips that were out there, while making a lot of sense, would put me in a mild state of depression. Using less shampoo, when washing hair, turning down the thermostat and putting on an extra sweater when I am cold, wearing clothes more than once before washing them, buying only discounted products – all these tips made me feel the lack of money even stronger. And, honestly, by saving a few cents here and there my financial situation did not improve much.

By trying hundreds of different tips I found three that really worked and helped me to get my finances in order. If you are a natural “spender” like me and you are tired of feeling frustrated and guilty, because you are not saving enough money and that your credit card debt is growing every year, use these tips! They will help you to improve your finances in just one week and to become more frugal without having to drastically change your lifestyle.

Forget about “I can’t afford it!” set of mind!

Often when we try to cut back on our expenditures the first thing we tell ourselves is “I can’t afford it!” which basically means “I really want it, but I can’t have it.” This way of thinking creates inner conflict between desire to spend money and common sense that tells you that you should not do so. These conflicting emotions provoke tension, frustration and feeling of guilt.

Forcing yourself not to spend money is just like being on a cabbage soup diet. Sure, you can do it for a week and even a month, but one day you are just going to snap and eat as many hot fudge brownies and French fries as you humanly can. The same behavior is triggered if you keep telling yourself that you can not afford something. Believe me, as soon as you get the chance you will spend most of your savings on something really great, but really useless just to satisfy your hunger for spending money.

Therefore, whenever you have an impulse to buy the next cool thing you see, do not tell yourself that you can afford it. Instead, ask yourself if you truly need it. In reality there are only a few things in our life that we can not live without. I am sure a 48’ flat screen TV or the 25th pair of shoes is not on that list. :)

Many self-development programs teach us that in order to have money we need to think like millionaires. This is why the first step to prosperity and debt-free living is in switching your mindset from “I can’t afford it!” to “I don’t need it!”. Can you see the difference? In the first case you concentrate on lack, in the second case – on abundance. This small shift of mindset results in huge changes in your financial situation.

Go cash-only for a week!

A telephone survey from the nationwide Pew Research Center has shown that older people are much more likely than the rest of the adult population to save and invest enough money. Sure, these results may be easily explained by the fact that older people (65 years old and above) are much wiser, rational and more experienced when managing their budget, but that is not the only reason. I believe that older people tend to spend less, just because they are more accustomed to using cash rather than credit cards.

Why would using cash cut our spending? Because when we have to pay with actual money rather than blindly swiping our credit card, we instantly become more conscious about how much we are spending. If you do not believe me, next time try to pay for something that costs over $300 with cash. You will notice that giving away each banknote causes a tiny twinge of pain. This is a good kind of pain. Pain we can use to our advantage.

How does a cash-only week work?

There are only three easy steps:
  1. Make a quick estimation of how much money you expect to spend during the week. I would suggest that you add an extra 10% to your estimated amount, because we often tend to be overly optimistic when it comes to planning our budget.
  2. Go to the bank or ATM machine and withdraw this amount of money.
  3. Take all the credit and debit cards out of your wallet/purse and hide them somewhere in your desk, to avoid the temptation to use them. That is it!
Note! The only condition of a cash-only week is that you have to stay within your budget. No exceptions! You have a limited amount of money. You can not have more. You need to live off it for a week. If by the end of the week you realize that you have very little money left, it probably means that you will have to cut back on entertainment or eating out.

Find out where your money goes!

It is almost impossible to save money if you do not know three “magical” numbers:
  • The first number is how much money you have coming in every week. Most of us can quickly do the math and divide our salary by 4.
  • The second number is the amount of money that you have going out every week. This is already more challenging $2 for a pack of gum here… $1,5 for a beverage there… we do not even notice how these little payments add up and turn into big bucks over the course of a week.
  • Finally, the third number that you absolutely must know is your debit minus your credit or the first number (money you get) minus the second number (money you spend) per week. Once you have a clear picture of your incoming money and outgoing money, you will be able to identify areas where you can save.
You can use a personal-finance system like Mint or Quicken, and manually enter your transactions. Or you can carry a little notepad where you write down all of your transactions, just make sure that you do it on a daily basis, because after a while it gets very difficult to keep all the numbers in your head. Do this for a week and afterwards analyze what you are overspending on and what small and easy adjustments you can make to lower your expenditures.

If you apply these three tips without doing anything else, you will begin to notice a few extra hundred dollars on your checking account by the end of the week. Just get into the habit of putting that amount of money into your savings account and promise yourself not to touch it for at least a year. I can not explain you how great it feels to see your savings account rapidly growing with very little effort on your part, so I will just let you discover it on your own.

money saving tips

Minggu, 22 November 2009

Kontera PPC dengan iklan sesuai postingan

Kontera adalah salah satu teknik penghasil uang untuk blog. Dengan Kontera, anda bisa meraup dolar hanya dengan sekali sign Up dan menampilkan kode di blog anda.
Selanjutnya, Kontera akan dengan sendirinya membaca posting anda dan mengubah beberapa kata di dalamnya menjadi suatu iklan. Kata-kata yang digunakan Kontera sebagai iklan akan berubah menjadi sebuah Link dengan tanda garis bawah dobel dan dengan tambahan pop up saat kursor mouse berada di atas kata tersebut.

Biasanya kontera membutuhkan sebuah blog dengan minimal 500.000 pengunjung setiap bulan sebelum diterima di program ini. Apabila pengunjung blog kamu melakukan klik pada kata-kata iklan kontera, maka dapat dipastikan uang akan masuk dalam paypal kamu.

Berikut ini adalah contoh gambar iklan kontera

Ditengah sulitnya google adsense, menurut saya kontera bisa menjadi alternatif buat anda yang ingin mendapatkan dollar melalui program PPC, untuk minimum payout dari program ini $100 langsung lewat paypal. jadi tunggu apalagi silahkan daftar disini

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Adwords Guide

Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Bahasa Pemrograman Teranyar Microsoft ( F# )

Microsoft baru - baru ini mengeluarkan bahasa pemrograman baru yaitu F# ( Dibaca F SAP). seperti pendahulunya yang terkenal yaitu C# bahasa pemrograman ini buat saya masih sangat asing karena jarang atau hampir belum pernah mencobanya.

Microsoft telah mengumumkan dukungan mereka untuk bahasa pemrograman fungsional F# yang akan diintegrasikan secara penuh ke dalam Visual Studio. Langkah ini merupakan komitmen kuat baru yang memperkenalkan functional programming (pemrograman fungsional) ke dalam platform .NET dan berpotensi untuk membantu memasarkan gaya pemrograman ini di lingkungan korporat. Promosi F# Microsoft juga menunjukkan fleksibilitas platform .NET Microsoft.

F# memulai hidupnya sebagai sebuah proyek riset Microsoft untuk mendemonsrasikan kemampuan .NET untuk memadukan beberapa paradigma pemrograman yang berbeda. F# mendapat inspirasinya dari bahasa pemrograman OCaml. F# menawarkan para pengembang banyak fitur berharga tanpa mengurangi efisiensinya secara drastis.

F# mendukung fitur type inference, pattern matching, high order function dan currying. F# juga mendukung interactive execution yang berarti program-program F# dapat dioperasikan seperti script atau dijalankan lewat lingkungan kelas tinggi seperti Python Shell atau IRB dari Ruby.

Keuntungan dari functional programming adalah tidak seperti bahasa pemrograman imperative atau procedural yang melakukan komputasi dengan cara mengubah program state, pemrograman fungsional mengoperasikan prinsip matematika evaluasi dan reduksi. Bahasa pemrograman seperti ini memiliki basis logika matematika dan teori komputasi yang dalam. Bahasa pemrograman fungsional secara garis besar menggunakan sistem lambda calculus yang dirancang oleh Alonzo Church di mana nila-nilai numerik, pola, struktur dan koputasi matematika sederhana dan bahkan rekursi dapat diekpresikan sebagai nested functions.

Di luar dunia akademis, pemrograman fungsional sangat dihargai karena mereka sering kali jauh lebih jelas dibandingkan program yang sama dalam bahasa pemrograman imerative atau procedural. Sebagai contoh, bahasa modern seperti Python dan Ruby menyediakan fungsi-fungsi kelas satu untuk meningkatkan produktivitas seorang pengembang. Bahkan C# juga menawarkan beberapa fitur seperti LINQ yang menggunakan banyak konsep functional programming. Kemampuan untuk memadukan F# dan C# di aplikasi-aplikasi .NET jauh memudahkan para pengembang perangkat lunak untuk menggunakan paradigma-paradigma yang paling cocok untuk tugas masing-masing.

Berikut ini adalah contoh gambar sintaks dari F #.

The Three Biggest Investments that All Wealthy People Make

Fact #1: 497 people (approximately 0.000008% of the world’s population) control $3.5 trillion (over 7% of world GDP).
Fact #2: 99% of the US population is NOT part of the “investing class”
Fact #3: At the end of 2008 the average credit card debt for households was $10,679. And it continues to grow.
You can consider wealthy people evil and greedy or you can view them as a group of people who donate millions of dollars to charity. You can envy them or you can learn from them. You can despise them for their success or admire them for their achievements. That is up to you!
But whatever your perception and beliefs about rich people are, you cannot deny one thing – they are good at keeping and multiplying their wealth.
So what do they do differently from the rest of the population?
What are their best kept secrets?

1. Wealthy people invest money instead of spending it.
In business investing money means making a purchase of value with the expectation of favorable future returns. To put it simply, you use money to make more money. I looked up the term “spending money” in a dictionary and it actually means “using money for small current or incidental expenses”.
Spending money was supposed to be something that we do occasionally when you feel particularly impulsive. Most of us, however, have got it other way around. We spend 20 times more than we invest. And this is the main reason, why we are still not rich.
By “investing money” I do not mean “buying stocks” and “becoming a shareholder”. Anything you buy can be viewed as an investment or spending. The rules are simple- if a product loses its value in the long term – than it is a bad investment decision. If you get more value out of it – you are being smart with your money.
This concept is easier than it seems. Let’s take food, for example. If you eat junk food or processed food for dinner this will lower your energy levels, while providing very little or no nutrient value for your body.
Conclusion? You are spending your money on something that is bad for your health and your physique. Vice versa, home-cooked organic food is an investment that you make, by helping to keep your body strong and healthy.
Now let’s talk about cars. You are probably aware that a new car loses one third of its price the second you drive out of the dealership. Is it a good investment? Probably not… This is why most self-made millionaires prefer used reliable cars to a shiny new Jaguar.
Starting from now before reaching for your wallet, take a second to reflect if what you are about to buy is an investment or a waste of your hard-earned money.
2. Wealthy people invest in themselves.
Wealthy people realize that you can always make more money if you have the knowledge about how to do it and the right set of skills. This is why they willingly spend about 20% of their income on self-education and personal development. They are the ones that read books, attend seminars and actively search for ‘mentors’.
If you want to be wealthy, you have to understand that knowledge and experience are your most valuable assets. It is the reason why professionals get paid 10 times more than college graduates do.
Think of what skills you would like to improve? What inner blocks and negative beliefs about money prevent you from being successful? What are your strengths that you would like to develop further?
3. Wealthy people invest in relationships.
People who have money are often accused of having the “right connections”. It is viewed by many as a negative thing. Similar to a mafia clan, that spins its web around poor law-abiding citizens and indulges in money laundering and other illegal machinations.
Wealthy people have “connections” not because they were born into influential families, but because they take time to establish these relationships. Look at the best-sellers in self-help area, like “Think and grow rich” by Napoleon Hill, “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, ” Pathways to Success – In Your Personal and Private Lives” by Dale Carnegie, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey, “Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny!” by Anthony Robbins – all of them were written by highly successful and self-made millionaires. They all talk about same things: the importance of positive thinking, expressing of gratitude, compassion, and giving.
Relationships in general, not just business relationships, are one of your strongest assets. Your family and friends will support you through difficult times. Your mentors will give you good advice when you most need it. Your co-workers help you out with a project and make your day more enjoyable. Your business partners and your customers will help you to increase your income and make money.
Invest your time and effort in creating good relationships with people. It is easy.
Here is a tip: “Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.” – Jesus (from Luke 6:31).

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Jumat, 20 November 2009

PayPal bagi-bagi uang $1 per refferal

Salam blogger. pada postingan kali ini saya akan memberikan informasi tentang program yang diadakan oleh paypal yaitu Paypal Wishlish.Program ini adalah sebuah aplikasi yang berada di Social Networking terkenal yaitu "FACEBOOK". Caranya gampang, tinggal daftar ke program Paypal Wishlist yang sedang berlangsung dan Anda akan langsung dapet earning sebesar $1. Masih kurang? Jangan khawatir, tinggal referensikan saja program tersebut ke teman-teman Anda yang lain dan untuk setiap teman Anda yang mendaftar Anda akan dapat duit sejumlah $1. Tapi jangan serakah, maksimal penghasilan yang bisa Anda peroleh adalah $100, lumayan lah buat uang makan 1 bulan. Ya tho?

Jadi, saya ulangi ya langkah-langkahnya:

1. Login terlebih dahulu ke akun Facebook Anda. Gak punya Facebook, ya bikin dong. Hari gini.

2. Masuk ke halaman promosi Paypal Wishlist.

3. Masukkan alamat email Paypal Anda yang valid dan sudah terverifikasi melalui menu yang ada di sebelah
kiri atas. Kalau gak salah tulisannya Enter Email Address. Jika belum punya akun Paypal, bikin dulu di
Paypal.Com dan lakukan verifikasi menggunakan kartu kredit atau VCC.

4. Buat wishlist Anda dengan menekan tombol Create Wishlist. Setelah selesai, Anda dapat men-share program Paypal Wishlist ini ke teman-teman Anda yang lain di Facebook.

Oh ya, sesuai dengan ketentuan mereka, maka penghasilan Anda nanti baru dapat diterima pada tanggal 28 Februari 2010. Emang masih lama sih, tapi ya gak apa-apa, anggap aja Anda sedang menabung . Semoga berhasil.

Karena aplikasi ini gratis dan setiap member yang ikut juga gak dikenakan biaya maka tidak ada salahnya bukan kalo ikut gabung di program ini, yach walaupun pembayarannya masih lama ya kita tunggu aja.

Semoga info ini bermanfaat buat rekan2 blogger.



Rabu, 18 November 2009


Setelah mendapatkan dollar dari freelance di microworkers.com sekarang saatnya untuk menarik dana di paypal saya. tapi setelah bolak-balik cari informasi di google tentang penarikan uang dipaypal anda harus memiliki account paypal yang telah terverifikasi. jika tidak punya kartu kredit bisa juga menggunakan jasa VCC (Virtual Credit Card). pusing karena belum punya uang untuk beli VCC akhirnya saya putuskan untuk menukarkan paypal di jasa penukaran paypal yang terpercaya yaitu http://jualbelipaypal.com/

Jika anda lihat tampilan website dari http://jualbelipaypal.com/ pasti sudah tidak asing lagi karena mirip dengan Social Networking yang terkenal. setelah coba2 tanya dengan admin dari jualanpaypal.com akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk menukarkan paypal saya disana. dan hasilnya sangat memuasakan karena proses cepat dan gak pusing/ribet dengan verifikasi di paypal.

Untuk para blogger yang mau menukarkan dana paypalnya silahkan aja coba di jualanpaypal.com karena saya rekomendasikan dan udah pernah coba juga. dijamin gak nyesel...

Selasa, 17 November 2009

Dapat uang dari visitor

Get paid To Promote at any Location

Satu lagi program yang terbukti membayar yaitu PTP(Paid-To-Promote). sistem kerja dari program ini cukup mudah yaitu kita cukup menaruh script yang diberikan atau memasan banner di website/blog kita dan program akan otomatis membayar. Visitor yang dihitung yaitu yang berasal dari negara tertentu seperti United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain.

 Sistem pembayaran akan diberikan secara otomatis tanpa harus request terlebih dahulu. biasanya pembayarab akan diberikan setiap tanggal 15 dan 30 setiap bulannya. jadi pada tanggal tersebut anda akan menerima pembayaran. berikut ini adalah bukti dari pembayaran paid to promote.

Cukup lumayan bukan, hanya dengan menaruh script di blog/website anda, maka setiap tanggal 15 dan 30 ada menerima pembayaran. jika anda tertarik dapat daftar disini

because soccer is life

"You can not choose your team, it's given by God," said Antony Sutton, an Arsenal team who loves any more than he knew. I knew him 2 years and more understanding of how football has become part of one's identity. "As the blood is in this body, he would never go and I'll never give it up without a fight," said Mick from London Darnby man next-door neighbor whom I know as a true lover of Charlton.

Such was the man knows football, something called the game by many people but it is the identity for many more other people. "No one can mention the name of the inventor of football, because I'm sure the inventor is God himself," sighed Hugo Sanchez, soccer legends from Mexico about a game that has given extraordinary things in his life. "Fun to play soccer far more than anything," he emphasized 

"I love to death in Liverpool .... And I ... ... love Daisy," said Agus Purnomo Rangga on. Both are fictional character I created to capture our love of football into the film medium. I was not the first time around, because Julian Gilbey done through Rise of the Footsoldiers (2007), David Evans, through Fever Pitch (1997) Bruno Baretto through Casamento de Romeu e Julieta, O (2005) but of course that kept haunting title in the ears of the football enthusiast in Indonesi Football Factory (2004) Nick Love's work that continues to be regarded as a story of the zealots of the most hit with their lives.

Because I believe that football is our life, how we see life itself and how football can be a reflection of society. That's where all the ideas came from, from the things that are often considered small by many people, but it is a very large man by many others. I started this idea of a very simple premise, and may be similar to the premise as Nick Hornby wrote a very famous novel Fever Pitch (1992) "I love her like I love the 11 people on the football field,"

Ranggamone Larico was a fanatical Liverpool, his love for Liverpool than anything in this world. Like the other fanatics, Rangga also hate anyone who hates his team and never hesitate to violence, as was also done by many other fanatics in the world. There is nothing more than he understands about his favorite team and even the environment is just too crazy friends team football with the same background, except one ... Agus Purnomo endless kept telling Rangga "fanaticism that makes them so reckless, try not fanaticism, your li safe is it? "

But his life turned 360 degrees when he was moved to love Desi Love Purnamasari, big girls in Bandung environment Arsenal lovers. Parman a brother of the elder enough support among Arsenal. Desi big in life who adored blue worn by the Arsenal, the time devoted to supporting the team from Bandung. Since childhood continues invited by his brother who disagree almost 20 years of age, Desi loves Arsenal as his love for his family.

If then he fell in love with Rangga, Desi love the team never fade. Just like the love that seemed to Rangga her split with her love of the orange, Liverpool. Both opposition and bring them to the fact that both groups are the same party does not compromise on their differences. Conflict and hostility have mengkotakkan happened to them, as well as strictly religious man capable of separating the gap very strict.

Adaptation of Shakespeare's masterpiece Indonesian style football life is a portrait of how life most of us currently running. Passionate moves amid the chaos relationships that both parties used to be pillars of their life is a chaos, but .... Rangga and Daisy (the name I chose to replace Romeo and Juliet) chose to say "I love you to death," rather than surrender to the circumstances.

Romeo Juliet (2009) is the work of my long-third, after two documentaries which I made in honor of football and the fanatisnya. The Jak (2007) is an essay on the Jakarta and anxiety, The Conductors (2008) is an essay on leadership that continues is considered a crisis in this country. In the meantime, this third work I created as a tribute to the love and the strength of shaking.

"If only Shakespeare were alive, he would regret not making the cover like this movie," said Edmond Waworuntu, production designer Romeo Juliet when we were still in the stage of preparing for this film. For her story is an inner conflict of a man when he must choose between her love for a woman who was the team he loves and he is very gilai. I am myself very fond of the works of William Shakespeare, English poet who I think is always a straightforward can talk about turmoil, anxieties, questions and tragedy. "The story of Romeo & Juliet is a tragedy of love and cruelty difference," wrote The Guardian in England as Baz Luhrmann's version, Romeo + Juliet

At that time, some British art critics also briefly mentions that Baz did not adapt this legendary story well. "Only the British people who understand how Shakespeare should be described," of course refers to the country of origin Australia director who then leapt to the Moulin Rouge (2001). If Baz chose to be loyal to the plot, so I chose to be loyal to the plot and mengindonesiakan Membumikan and all the characters in my work.

In my hands, this classic story to be very local and Indonesia. I would shirk responsibility should be faithful to all the rules of the game complete with the use of Shakespeare's words poetic. I prefer to make all the dialogue into everyday sentences with the story setting is also very day-to-day. So I cast the second meeting of the legendary scene of this couple on the balcony, I changed the name of this pair with the same reason .... Indonesiaan sense to!

Then I bumikan also social class and conflicts that occur. Rich families rich Capulet and Montague families I change the social situation of our community with soccer as the main background. Be the Indonesian style of Romeo Juliet, a work which I hope one day can be a clue what's happening in our society today, the present situation which is supposed drawn from works of the existing cinema. "The situation of a society in an era, always recorded in the film that appeared in that time," said Usmar Ismail, the father of Indonesian cinema.

For me, fanaticism is the present situation is happening in our society. See how the attitudes of fanaticism have easily burn your soul to hate other groups, how well we look so different because what we believe is not the same as other people believe. See also, how the social and artistic life of our very limited because only a strong influence of fanaticism.

I am certainly not anti-fanaticism, because I believe that fanatical is a good, but if there is fanaticism in the heart it will be a very good thing, but if allowed to go out and intimidate other people, then we have the fanaticism that has the potential to become dangerous. On April 23, 2009, you can see my works about fanaticism .... Romeo Juliet.

More article

Minggu, 15 November 2009

Manfaat ASI bagi bayi

ASI ( Air Susu Ibu ) merupakan makanan yang tepat bagi bayi yang baru lahir sampai dengan umur 2 tahun. karena bayi yang kurang mendapatkan ASI hingga umur 2 tahun tersebut akan beresiko terkena radang otak. melihat aktifitas para ibu yang mengharuskan untuk bekerja membuat mereka sulit untuk memberikan ASI bagi anak-anaknya. Jika hal ini terjadi maka dapat diantisipasi dengan cara pompa ASI.

Pompa asi adalah alternatif buat para orang tua khususnya para ibu yang di satu sisi harus memberikan ASI untuk bayinya dan di sisi lain harus membantu para suami dengan bekerja. untuk informasi bagi para orang tua, ASI yang di pompa mampu bertahan di udara terbuka selamakurang lebih hingga 8 Jam, sedangkan jika anda simpan di lemari pendingin (kulkas) dengan tipe 1 pintu maka dapat bertahan sampai dengan 3 bulan, jika disimpan di lemari es dengan tipe 2 pintu maka ASI tersebut mampu bertahan paling lama 6 bulan.

Jika anda bandikan dengan susu formula yang konon mengandung kadar ARA dan DHA maka ternyata hal tersebut hanyalah zat buatan yang dimasukan ke dalam susu tersebut, berbeda dengan ASI yang memang sudah mengadung ARA dan DHA. maka sangat dianjurkan oleh para dokter untuk asupan terbaik bagi bayi adalah ASI. berikut ini adalah perbandingan antara ASI dan susu formula

Kandungan ASI

Di bawah terdapat tabel yang menunjukkan keunggulan susu manusia (ASI) bila dibandingkan dengan susu hewan.

ASI 1.0%
Susu Sapi 3.5%

(Secara biologis sangat penting)
ASI >70%
Susu Sapi <20%

  • Phenylalanine and tyrosine ASI lebih sedikit (berlebihan dapat berbahaya bagi neonatus)
  • Cystine Lebih banyak pada ASI (essensial untuk pertumbuhan)
  • Methionine Susu sapi lebih banyak (neonatus tidak dapat mengubahnya menjadi sistin karena enzim belum berfungsi sempurna)
  • Taurine 30-40 kali lebih banyak pada ASI (penting untuk perkembangan otak)

Kandungan ASI lainnya secara biokimia :
  • Protein
    Laktoalbumin dan laktoglobulin lebih banyak, penting untuk pertahanan tubuh dan antibody
  • Kasein lebih banyak, sehingga lebih mudah dicerna tubuh
  • Karbohidrat
    Laktosa lebih banyak, penting untuk pertumbuhan Lactobacillus bifidus, menghilangkan infeksi saluran cerna, pertumbuhan sel otak, retensi kalium, fosfor dan magnesium
  • Lemak
    Asam lemak tak jenuh lebih banyak dan mudah diserap
  • Kolesterol lebih banyak
    Asam lemak esensial lebih banyak
  • Asam palmitat lebih banyak
    Garam empedu lebih banyak lebih banyak membuat absorpsi lebih baik
  • Laktoferin, lysozime, IgA
    : melindungi bayi dari infeksi gastroenteritis, radang saluran pernafasan dan paru-paru, otitis media, dan diare
  • Mineral
    Kadar Natrium lebih banyak, melindungi neonatus dari dehidrasi dan hipernatremia
  • 50-70% besi diserap dari ASI bila dibandingkan dari susu sapi yang hanya diserap 10-30%
  • ASI mengandung molekul pengikat seng, asam pikolinik, membuat penyerapan seng lebih efisien
  • Rasio kalsium dan fosfor ASI sesuai untuk mineralisasi tulang bila dibandingkan dengan susu sapi

Bayi yang sering minum susu dengan dot maka tekstur mulutnya akan cenderung kedepan dan mungkin saja tidak akan mau lagi jika diberi ASI, hal ini dikarenakan bentuk dot yang agak moncong berbeda dengan bentuk payudara para IBU.

Melihat begitu pentingnya peran ASI untuk bayi maka kita harus mempertimbangkan kembali jika harus memberikan susu formula untuk bayi.

Semoga bermanfaat.

The 9 Universal Goal-Setting Laws

goal setting laws3 300x199 The 9 Universal Goal Setting Laws 
Goal-Setting is a relatively new concept, however, Goal-Setting Laws, just like gravity or physical Laws of motion have existed from the beginning of time.

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We might not be aware of them, but it does not mean that they do not influence our life.
So pay close attention!
1. THE LAW OF NEUTRAL POSITION. You can not know whether you are going in the right direction and plan your route, while you are driving at full speed. If you are always busy trying to achieve one goal after another, you have no time to ask yourself, if this is what you truly want. To make any changes in your life you have to first stop and only after that change direction.

2. THE LAW OF A STRAIGHT LINE. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. To find the shortest way to your goal you just have to know two coordinates – your current position and the position of your goal. If you do not know where you are going, the chances are that you will get lost and continue to go in circles.

3. THE LAW OF TAXI. The moment you let another person drive you, you give them full control of the car and the route that you take. Similar, if you let another person place priorities in your life, you will end up following their path, instead of yours. It is also not a secret that the longer you stay in the cab, the more it will cost you and the longer it will take you to get back. If you do not like where you are going in life, it is probably time to take the initiative back into your hands.

4. THE LAW OF EMPTY SPACE. You cannot bring a new closet into a room without throwing away the old one. There simply will not be enough space. You have to take out the old useless closet first, than clean up the space and only after that can you fill this space with something new. Similar to change your life, you have to eliminate old beliefs that are no longer serving you and only then will you be able to replace them with the positive ones.

5. THE LAW OF A MAGNIFYING GLASS. Neither of us has an objective perception of reality. Every person is limited by their own past experience, beliefs, and vision of life. We magnify those details that we are actively looking for. If we concentrate our attention on the problems, they become bigger and more terrifying. If you direct your attention to positive areas of life, they expand. There is only one way to change your reality, shift your focus.

6. THE LAW OF UNPREDICTABILITY. We can not objectively take into account all the possibilities and obstacles that we will have to face on the way to our goal. Therefore, you can not predict everything that might happen. While having a good step-by-step plan is an important part of successful goal setting, it should be flexible enough to adapt to what life might throw your way (be it unexpected opportunities and problems).

7. THE LAW OF SNOWBALL EFFECT. We are motivated a lot more by current problems than by future benefits. Problems are given to us to help us grow and learn valuable lessons. By ignoring one problem we are provoking a snowball effect. One problem drags along another one and then another one, until the pile of problems becomes too huge to be ignored. If we are not motivated to learn our lessons the easy way, we will have to learn them anyway, only the hard way.

8. THE LAW OF LIMITATION. The universe has an unlimited number of opportunities and choices. Our energy is limited though. That is why we need to chose wisely what we spend it on. We can not have everything we want at the same time. By choosing one goal we are letting go of another one. Know your priorities, otherwise you might end up with a whole bunch of things you do not really need.

9. THE LAW OF INERTIA. If something is moving, it will keep moving until something else stops it. If something is not moving, it will just sit there until something comes along to move it. It is safe to say that until you take action to achieve what you want, you will not see any results, because you will remain a “body at rest”. However, even a tiny action towards your goal is sufficient to create momentum and overcome inertia (also known as “procrastination”).

goal setting
goal setting laws
shortcut to success
The 9 Universal Goal-Setting Laws
